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Woodbury Jewish Center - Woodbury, NY, United States
10/28/2024Adult Education, Bnai Mitzvah, Cantor, Engagement, High Holiday Cantor, Music, ProgrammingOrg Type: SynagogueViews: 579Salary: 110,000.00-155,000.00 Annual
Woodbury Jewish Center (WJC) Is a 35-year-old Egalitarian Conservative congregation with more than 500 members and 350 students enrolled in our Early Childhood and Religious School programs. Over the last five years, our membership has grown by nearly 35%, expanding in every demographic. We are s...
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Temple Sholom of Chicago - Chicago, IL, United States
Organization: Temple Sholom is a warm and highly inclusive Reform congregation in the heart of Chicago, in the Lakeview neighborhood. Founded in 1867, Temple Sholom is one of Chicago s oldest and most pioneering synagogues, serving around 1100 family units. In addition to our history, Temple Shol...
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